Cloud Desktop

Access your desktop anytime, anyplace by keeping it in the cloud. Cloud desktop will free you to work from anywhere, at any time.

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Cloud Servers

The server in your office is extremely vulnerable to a number of threats including viruses, human error, hardware failure, software corruption and/or physical damage. If you move your servers to the cloud and something were to happen to your office, you could purchase a new laptop and be up and running that very same day.

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Hybrid Infrastructure

A hybrid cloud enables you to put certain pieces of existing IT infrastructure (say, storage and e-mail) in the cloud, and the remainder of the IT infrastructure stays on premise. This gives you the ability to enjoy the costs savings and benefits of cloud computing where it makes the most sense without risking your entire environment.

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Cloud Storage

In many cases, cloud computing is a MORE secure way of accessing and storing data. Just because your server is on-site doesn't make it more secure; in fact, most small to medium businesses can't justify the cost of securing their network the way a cloud provider can.

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Disaster Recovery

A disaster recovery plan addresses how the corporation will respond to a disaster.

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Business Continuity

A business continuity plan addresses how the corporation will respond to the disruption of critical systems.

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